The 1st Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 29/ 30,
1993 at Meiji University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
Phases of Discipline of Management.
E The Cerebrated Lecture by Yasujiro YAMAMOTO (Emeritus Professor of Nagoya City University) "A Unified Theory of Management and the Significance of Study on the History of Management Theories: in Celebration of the Establishment of the Society for the History of Management Theories"
E The Celebratory Lecture by Tadashi MITO (Chukyo University & Emeritus Professor of Rikkyo University) "The Discipline of Management as a Social Science"
E Research Presentation by Toshio KOBAYASHI (Osaka University) "Ideal and Reality of Management: The Functions of Executive Demanded at the Gap Between Them" (This title was changed to "Toward the Construction of Organizational Information Theory: Finding a Clue to the Recent Theoretical Trend of Management Strategy" in the Annals.)
E Research Presentation by Tsuyoshi INAMURA (Osaka City University) "On the Development of the Irrationalistic Theory of Organizations"
E Research Presentation by Makoto NAGATA (Osaka Prefecture University) "The History of Betriebswirtschaftslehre and the Paradigm Theory" (This title was changed to "The History of Betriebswirtschaftslehre and Scientific Methodology" in the Annals.)
E Research Presentation by Toshinobu KITANO (Emeritus Professor of Osaka University) "A Spell of Management-Oriented Thinking: Release from the Spell"
E Research Presentation by Katuyasu KATOH (Aomori Public College & Emeritus Professor of Tohoku University) "Barnard and Henderson: on the Formation Process of The Functions of the Executive.
The 2nd Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 20-22,
1994 at Shiga University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
Leading Figures in the Discipline
of Management: Nicklisch, Barnard, and Marx.
E Presentation by Saburo SHINOHARA (Heartware University) "Modern Management Theory and Monopoly Concept" (This title was changed to "Marx and Japanese Management Theory: on Monopoly Concept and Duality," in the 2nd Annals.)
E Presentation by Shinshi KATAOKA (Ryukoku University)"Breakdown of the Traditional Soviet-type Socialism and the Present State of Critical Management Theory
E Presentation by Hisao KAWABATA (Kumamoto Gakuen University & Emeritus Professor of Kyushu University) "Marxism and Critical Management Theory in Japan"
E Presentation by Shinji SUZUKI (Niigata University) "Free Concept and Management Thought of H. Nicklisch"
E Presentation by Teruyoshi TANAKA (Ritsumeikan University) "Nicklisch's Management Theory in the Period of Nazism"
E Presentation by Osamu YOSHIDA (Shiga University) "German Corporate Governance and Nicklisch's Theory"
E Presentation by Yoshikazu NIWAMOTO (University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences) "Past and Present of Banard's Management Theory" Presentation by Tsuyoshi Inamura (Osaka City University) "C. I. Barnard and the Present"
E Presentation by Haruo MURATA (Momoyama Gakuin University) "The Logic of Organism: the Development of Barnardian Theory."
The 3rd Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 19-21,
1995 at Chukyo University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
Scholars of Establishing Japanese
Discipline of Management.
E Presentation by Akira KOMATSU (Hitotsubashi University) "Teijiro UEDA: Design for Establishing Business Administration"
E Presentation by Daiki KOHNO (Tama University) "A Study of Youjiro Masuchi's Management Theory"
E Presentation by Osamu MANO (Emeritus Professor of Hokkaido University) "Yasutaro Hirai's Economics of Individual Entity"
E Presentation by Yasuo OKAMOTO (Aoyama Gakuin University & Emeritus Professor of University of Tokyo) "The Pioneering Achievements in Keiji Baba's Organization and Management Theory and its Significance in the Present Day"
E Presentation by Katsuyasu KATOH (Aomori Public College & Emeritus Professor of Tohoku University) "On Dr. Yasujiro YAMAMOTO'S Intention of Unifying Management Theories'"
E Presentation by Mitsuo MORIMOTO (Aoyama Gakuin University) "Composition of YAMASHIRO'S Discipline of Management"
E Presentation by Kousuke OKUDA (Kansai University) "Professor KOBAYASHI'S Theory of Managerial Personnel and Democratization"
E Presentation by Nobuyuki KADOWAKI (Shiga University) "KOBAYASHI's Discipline of Management: His Personality and Theory"
E Presentation by Hisao KAWABATA (Emeritus Professor of Kyushu University) "Katsuzo BABA: Property Lefted by the Theory of the Consciousness of Individual Capital; A Point of Contact Between the Individual Capital Theory and Modern Management Theory''
E Presentation by Tadashi MITO (Chukyo University & Emeritus Professor of Rikkyo University) "Katsuzo BABA: The Individual Capital Theory, Its Five Steps Definition, and The Discipline of Management"
E Presentation by Moriaki TSUCHIYA (University of Tokyo) "Susumu TAKAMIYA: His Personality and Theory"
E Presentation by Shin'ichi KAMATA (National Defense Academy) "Susumu TAKAMIYA: Managerial Analysis of Administrative Organization"
E Presentation by Masakatsu MASUDA (Yamaguchi University) "Beyond Nicklisch: Professor Kijchi ICHIHARA'S Management Theory" (This title was changed to "Dr. Kiichi ICHIITIARA'S Management Theory: Along with Nicklisch" in the 3rd Annals .)
E Presentation by Toshihiro KANAI (Kobe University) "Theoretical Foundations and Some Personal Backgrounds of Professor Kuniyoshi URABE'S Management and Organization Theories.''
The 4th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 17-19,1996
at Aoyama Gakuin University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
Streams of American Discipline
of Management.
E Presentation by Mizuho NAKAMURA (Meiji University) "One Hundred and Ten Years of the Study of Management in America: On the Consciousness of Social Nature"
E Presentation by Seishi NAKAGAWA (Fukuoka University) "Management Thought of F. W. Taylor: Focused on Unpublished Monographs" (This subtitle was changed to "Focused on the Lectures at Harvard Business School in the 4th Annals.")
E Presentation by Minoru HARADA (Emeritus Professor of Kyushu University) "A Reconsideration on Elton MAYO'S Management Thought"
E Presentation by Osamu MANO (Emeritus Professor of Hokkaido University) "The Idea of Barnard's Discipline of Management"
E Presentation by Motokichi INABA (Yokohama National University) "H. A. Simon: His Thought on Social Sciences and Discipline of Management"
E Presentation by Daiki KOHNO (Tama University) "A Trial of Systematization of Drucker 's Management Theory"
E Presentation by Ikujiro NONAKA (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) "Post-Contingency Theory: Retrospect and Prospect"
E Presentation by Toshinobu KITANO (Emeritus Professor of Osaka University) "Administration and Governance of Management."
The 5th Annual Conference and Annals,
on June 6-8, 1997 at
Kansai University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
Research Frontiers in the Field
of the Discipline of Management, and Management Thought
of Japanese Managers (The former title of the
5th Annals is the same as the 5th Annual Conference.).
E Presentation by Nobuchika KAIDO (Kwansei Gakuin University) "The Development of the Theory of Corporate Governance in Germany: Focused on the Theories of R. B. Schmidt and K. Chmielewicz"
E Presentation by Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI (Chuo University) "The Modern Significance of E. Gutenberg's Betriebswirtshaftslehre: Focused on the Theories of Betriebstyps and Top Management"
E Presentation by Makoto NAGATA (Osaka Prefecture University) "The Reconstruction of E. Schmalenbach's 'gemeinwirtschafthiche Produktivitat'"
E Presentation by Hirofumi KODA (Toyo University) "One Section of Theory of Organizational Behavior in England: On the Development in the Study of Empirical Research"
E Presentation by Katsuyuki NAGAOKA (Tokyo Keizai University) "Self-Organization, Autopoiesis, and the Theory of Business Enterprise Organization"
E Presentation by Ryuei SHIMIzu (Tokyo International University & Emeritus Professor of Keio University) "Management Thought in Japan: Managers' Way of Thinking in the Age of Informationalization and Globalization"
E Presentation by Tetsuro KAWAKAMI (Chief Director of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.) "The Change of Japanese Type of Management" (The subtitle "The Transition of Managers' Thought" was added in the 5th Annals .)
E Presentation by Hidemasa MORIKAWA (Toyohashi Sozo College) "A Study of Management Idea of Japanese Business Enterprise" (This was, in the 5th Annals , summarized and written from the comment made during the panel discussion.).
The 6th Annual Conference,
on May 22-24, 1998
at Aomori Public College.
The unified theme and Annals title:
The Significance and Tasks of
Studying the History of Management Theories (This
title of the 6th Annual Conference was changed to the subtitle
of the 6th Annals)
The Annals theme:
The Development of Management
E Presentation by Toshiko FUTAMURA (Emeritus Professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University) "The Evolution and Contributions of the Management Process School"
E Presentation by Tamiki KISHIDA (Nagoya University) "Contingency Theory"
E Presentation by Tadao KAGONO (Kobe University) "The Evolution of Strategy Concept in the Studies on Strategic Management" (This title was fully changed to "The Meanings of Strategy" in the 6th Annals .)
E Presentation by Yasuo OKAMOTO (Aoyama Gakuin University& Emeritus Professor of University of Tokyo) "The Important Stream and Key Concept in Organization Theory: Mainly Based on the Results of Organizational Decision-Making Theory"
E Presentation by Takeshi ONDA (Hosei University) "On Post-Modern Management" (This was only presented at the 6th Annual Conference)
E Presentation by William G. SCOTT (Washington University) "The Purpose and Significance of the History of Management Theory" (This was a report at the symposium of the 6th Annual Conference.)
E Presentation by Koki SUZUKI (Komazawa University) "The Movement of Theoretical Regeneration in the Business Administration"
E Presentation by Katuyasu KATOH (Aomori Public College & Emeritus Professor of Tohoku University) "An Idea about the History of Management Theory."
The 7th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 21-23, 1999
at Momoyama Gakuin University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
One Hundred-Year History of Management
Theory: Overviews and Perspectives.
E Presentation by Haruo MURATA (Momoyama Gakuin University) "The Universality of the Discipline of Management"(The title "and the Significance of Studying the History of Management Theories" was added in the 7th Annals.)
E Presentation by Tadashi MITO (Chukyo University & Emeritus Professor of Rikkyo University) "The Basic Stream and the Main Current of the Discipline of Management" (The subtitle "One Hundred-Year History of Management Theory, Overviews and Tasks" was added in the 7th Annals.)
E Presentation by Shuichi MANCHU (Osaka Sangyo University) "Methodological Considerations on Management Theory: Research Object, Issues and Approach"
E Presentation by Toshiyoshi SHIMIZU (Kanagawa University) "The Transition and Tasks of Research Object and Study Methodology in German Discipline of Management" (This title was changed to "Close Investigation of Methodology in German Discipline of Management")
E Presentation by Daniel A. WREN (Oklahoma University) "Management History in the New Century"
E Presentation by Kazuhiko MURATA (Hitotsubashi University) "Theoretical Evolution and Perspective of the Human Problems in Theory of Business Management"
E Presentation by Atsumi ITOH (Emeritus Professor of Osaka City University) and Chiyoko SHIMOZAKI (Kobe University of Commerce) "The History and Theoretical Perspectives of the Information Issues in Management"
E Presentation by Takeo NISHIOKA (Otemon Gakuin University) "Theoretical Transition and Perspectives of the Ethics and Responsibility Problems in the Discipline of Management"
E Presentation by Shintaro AKAHANE (Senshu University) "Transnational Management and the Critical Problems in the 21st Century"
E Presentation by Masaki HAYASHI (Chuo University) "Theoretical Transition and Perspectives of the Theory of Japanese-type Management"
E Presentation by Masayuki MUNAKATA (Kobe University) "Theoretical Transition and Perspectives of the Technological Issues in the Theory of Business Administration."
The 8th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 19-21, 2000
at Kyushu Sangyo University.
The unified theme and Annals title :
One Hundred-Year History of Management
Theory: Methodologies and Tasks of Studying Organization
and Management.
E Presentation on the unified and basic theme by Tsuneo SASAKI (Nihon University) "Necessity of Methodological Reflection in the Study of Business Administration"
E Presentation by Yoshitaro HARASAWA (Tokyo University of Science) "The Categories and Perspectives of the Discipline of Management: In the Light of Experience and Science as Keywords"
E Special Lecture by Yoo-keun SHIN (Seoul University) "The Methodology and Tasks of Comparative Study of Management: Focused on the Eastern Asia Type of Business Management"
E Presentation by Hideki IKENOUCHI (Kyushu Sangyo University) "Rationality and Humanity in the Studying of the Organization and Management"
E Presentation by Izumi MITUI (Tezukayama University)"Pragmatism and Logical Positivism in American Discipline of Management"
E Presentation by Takatoshi IMADA (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Organizational Revolution and Post-Modern"
E Presentation by Tadahiko KAWAI (University of Tsukuba) "Complexity System Adaptation: The 3rd of Generation System Theory"
E Presentation by Ken'ichi NISHIYAMA (Saitama University) "System and Complexity."
The 9th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 18-20, 2001
at Sapporo University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
From Taylor to Information Technology:
Development or Transition of Management Theory?
(This title of the 9th Annual Conference was changed to
The Revolution of Information Technology and Management
Theory in the 9th Annals.).
E Presentation on the unified and basic theme by Motokichi INABA (Seijo University &Emeritus Professor of Yokohama National University) "Introduction: From Scientific Management to Information Technology: A Development of Management Theories?"
E Presentation by Tadashi MITO (Chukyo University & Emeritus Professor of Rikkyo University) "Comprehension and Extension of Scientific Management: The Position of the Revolution of Information Technology"
E Presentation by Tatsumi SHIMADA (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology) "The Past, Present and Future of Management Information System: Impacts of the Revolution of Information Technology"
E Presentation by Tsuneo SHINOZAKI (Sapporo University) "Taylor and Information Technology: Continuation or Discontinuity?"
E Presentation by Jiro KOKURYO (Keio University) "Computerization and Collaborative Structure"
E Article by Yoshikazu NIWAMOTO (Konan University) "The Revolution of Information Technology, and Management / the Discipline of Management: Discussion on ' The Past, Present and Future of Management Information System: Impacts of the Revolution of Information Technology' by Tatsumi SHIMADA" (This was, in the 9th Annals, summarized and written from the comment of the debater.)
The 10th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May
17-19, 2002 at Meiji University.
The unified theme and Annals title:
Tasks of Modern Management and
Challenges of the History of Management Theories: Globalization,
Global Environment, and Organization / Individual.
E Presentation on the unified and basic theme by Eiji OGASAWARA (Meiji University) "Tasks of Modern Management and Duties of Studying the History of Management Theories
E Presentation by Kazuhide OKADA (Senshu University) "Global Transfer of Management: Management Types Theories and Their Backgrounds"
E Presentation by Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI (Chuo University) "Globalization and Cultures: From the Viewpoint of Transfer of the Management Practices"
E Presentation by Yoshikazu NIWAMOTO (Konan University) "Modern Management and the Problems of Global Environment: From the Viewpoint of the History of Management Theories"
E Presentation by Hajime OHIA (Shiga University) "Integrating the Organization and the Individual: for Structuring the Model of a Post-Neo Human Relations School"
E Presentation by Isao AKAOKA (Kyoto University) "A Study of the Theories of Japanese Type Management"
E Celebratory Lecture by Kinya ABE (Kyoritsu University) "On the Structure of Japanese Society."
The 11th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 17/18, 2003 at Ryukoku University.
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Philosophical Foundation of Management Theories
E Presentation by Masaki NAKATA (Ritsumeikan University) gOn the Values, Norms, and Criteria of Business Managementh
E Presentation by Hiroshi IWATA (Osaka Sangyo University) gPragmatism and management Theories: Insight from the Thought of Charles S. Peirceh
E Presentation by Izumi MITSUI (Tezukayama University) “Protestantism and Management Thought”
E Presentation by Mitsuhiro HIRATA (Toyo University) “Die gedankliche und praxisorientierte Basis von Eugen Schmalenbach”
E Presentation by Masakatsu MASUDA “Development of Business Administration and Industrial Sociology in Germany and Catholic Social Thought”
EPresentation by Takenori SAITO (Yokohama City University) “Yoichi Ueno’s Management Thought”
EPresentation by Tsunehiko YUI (Bunkyo Gakuin University) “Intellectual Ground of Japanese Management: A Business Historian’s View”
b) Special Lecture
E Presentation by Osamu TSUJI (President: Samco International Co.) gMy Management Philosophyh
c) Other Themes
E Presentation by Hisashi SHIMADA (Ryukoku University) gMission-based Management: The Foundation of NPOfs Service Strategyh
E Presentation by Motomasa MURAYAMA (Tokiwa University) gPhilosophy of Value-centered Management: The Quest for Spirituality as Seen from Management Thoughth
E Presentation by Shin-ichi SAKAI (Tokyo Kasei-Gakuin University), gThe Significance of and Problems Related to Whistle-Blowing in Corporate Governance, from a Management and Legal Perspectiveh
E Presentation by Yasuaki IKUTA (Osaka University) gA Study on Corporate Governance: What is it, Norms or Process?h
E Presentation by Naoki TAKAMI (Osaka City University) geSocial Responsibility of Executivef and Horst Steinmannfs eBusiness Ethicsfh
E Presentation by Satoshi KASUGA (Hokkai Gakuen University) gVeblen and Drucker: Business, Management, and Societyh
E Presentation by Masato MATSUDA (Kyoto College of Economics) gThe Historical Concept of Coordination and Present Subject of Coordinationh
E Presentation by Naoto NISHIMOTO (Meiji University) gInnovativeness and Potentiality of HRO Studiesh
E Presentation by Hiroyuki KUNISHIMA (Soka University) gThe Hollywood Model and Guildh
The 12th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 22/23, 2004 at Yokohama City University.
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Governance and policy: From the Viewpoint of Theory and Practice of Management
E Presentation by Shinshi KATAOKA (St. Andrewfs University), gGovernance and Direction of Business Policyh
E Presentation by Nobuo SAKUMA (Soka University) gCorporate Control and Corporate Governance in the U.S.A.h
E Presentation by Yasuyuki YANABA (Nihon University) gCorporate Governance in Transition in France: Employee Participation, Reform of Board of Directors and Business Lawh
E Presentation by Yoko IWAMIYA (President of Kazari-Ichi Co. Ltd.) gMy Management Philosophy as a Female Entrepreneurh
E Presentation by Hiroshi OGINO (Asahi Shimbun, Senior Editorial Writer) gHow to Maintain Fairness in the Management of a Non-Profit Organization: Based on My 10 Years Experience in Managing the Japan Corporate Governance Forumh
E Presentation by Joichi ISHIZAKA (Director General of Kohoku Ward, Yokohama City) gGovernance and Policies in Local Governmentsh
b) Other Themes
E Presentation by Kenshu KIKUZAWA (Chuo University) gAccounting Policy for Corporate Governance: Application of Agency Theory and Schmidt Accounting TheoryhE Presentation by Hiroshi OTSUKI (Hokkai Gakuen University) gLogic of Organizational Control Transformationh
E Presentation by Tsutomu KOBAYASHI (Aichi Institute of Technology)
E gDevelopment of Researches on the Evolution of Inter-Organizational Relationship: From the Standpoints of Level and Approachh
E Presentation by Toshio TAKAGI (Meiji University) gA Possibility of Actor-Network Theory in Organizational Study: Dynamism of the Heterogeneous Networkh Presentation by Takeshi MATSUDA (Meiji University) gCorporate Governance and Role of Bank in Germanyh
E Presentation by Yuko OZAWA (Kwansei Gakuin University) gControlling in a German Corporationh
E Presentation by Hiroshi SUGITA (Ishinomaki Senshu University) gThe Basis of Folletfs Management Philosophyh
The 13th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 21/22, 2005 at Kwansei Gakuin University.
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Diversification of Corporate Model and Management Theory
E Presentation by Tsuneo SASAKI (Aomori Public College) gNew Direction of Historical Research on Management Theoriesh
E Presentation by Tamiki KISHIDA (Nagoya University) gDevelopment of American Management Theory and Organizationh
E Presentation by Nobuo TSUNO (Kobe Gakuin University) g21st Century Anglo-American Style Enterprise and Management Theoryh
E Presentation by Shuichi MANCHU (Osaka Sangyo University) gEU Business Model and Management Theoryh
E Presentation by Hiromasa KUBO (Kobe University) gLabour Market Reforms and Industrial Relations in the EUh
E Presentation by Ken KANEYAMA (Obirin University) gAsia: China Enterprise Model and Management Theoryh
E Presentation by Hideko SAKURAI (Sakushin-Gakuin University) gSharifah Compliance and Management: The Principles of Management in Islamh
b) Other Themes
E Presentation by Fumio FUKUNAGA (Kurume University) gManagement Theory and Social Darwinism: The Ideological Background of Taylor and Barnardh
E Presentation by Tetsu HIRASAWA (Tohoku University) gToward Overcoming the Incongruence between the Individual and the Organization
E Presentation by Ibuki ISHIKAWA (Ritsumeikan University) gThe Significance of the eRentf Concept in the New Theoretical Development of Strategic Management Literatureh
E Presentation by Shogo MIYATA (Kwansei Gakuin University) gManagement Decision and Argumentation Rationality: The Concept for Measuring the Argumentation Rationality of Management Decisionh
E Presentation by Norihiro MIZUMURA (Saitama University) gThe Structure and Function of the Stakeholder Model of the Modern Corporation: An Empirical and Normative Dimensions of the Stakeholder Theoristh
E Presentation by Masao KARIMATA (Osaka City University) gThe Management of Support Organizationsh
The 14th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 20/21, 2006 at Kwansei Gakuin University
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Contemporary Hot Issues in Management Theories.
E Presentation by Nobuo KATSUBE (Kumamoto Gakuen University) gQuestioning eThe Present of Management Theoriesf: Corporate Governance and Organization Theoriesh
E Presentation by Hideharu CHUJO (Chukyo University) gInquiring into a Corporation: Using the Concept of eDantaifh
E Presentation by Toshio KIKUCHI (Chuo Gakuin University) gManagement System and Corporate Governance in Japan: Some Problems, Trends and Conditionsh
E Presentation by Kenshu KIKUZAWA (Keio University) gStockholder Governance vs. Stakeholder Governance: Convergence on Contingent Stakeholder Governanceh
E Presentation by Tadashi MITO (Chiba University of Commerce, Advisor at Graduate School) gA Map of Managementfs Present: The Self Organization\Information Worldh
E Presentation by Masahiko YOSHIHARA (Aomori Public College) gResearch Method related to History of management Theories: Focusing upon the Formation of the Science of Human Cooperationh
E Presentation by Tsuyoshi NUMAGAMI (Hitsotsubashi University) gRecent American Research on Strategic management from the Viewpoint of the Japanese Researchers: Intellectual Interaction Trap in the Area of Human-based Viewh
E Presentation by Yoshikazu NIWAMOTO (Konan University) gNew Perspective for Strategic Management Researchh
b) Other Themes
E Presentation by Itsuko WATANABE (Asahi University) gDuality Management by Switching Cognitive Gears: With Quality Model as A Clueh
E Presentation by Hidenori SASAKI (Meiji Gakuin University) gThe Relation of Organizational Epistemology and Resource Dependence Perspective: Approached by the Concept of Environment and Organizationh
E Presentation by Natsuko ITO (Nagoya University) gA Possibility of Theoretical Integration in Organizational Learning Researchh
E Presentation by Motokazu UDAGAWA (Nagasaki University) gTheoretical Development and Issues in Strategy Studies: Investigating the Contemporary Strategy Studiesh
E Presentation by Kazuhiro KADATA (Kwansei Gakuin University) gSustainable Competitive Advantage by Corporate Reputation: From the Viewpoint Corporate Strategy of Resource-based View of the Firmh
E Presentation by Tsuyoshi YAMASHITA (Nagoya University) gManipulation and Managementh
E Presentation by Tetsuya USUBA (Yokohama National University) gA Perspective on Leadership Research: From Leader-Centric Perspective to Follower-Centric Perspectiveh
E Presentation by Kazuhiro MURATA (Saitama University) gCharles Babbage on Management Thoughth
E Presentation by Noriko MATSUMOTO (Komazawa University) gThe Significance and Problems of a Not-for-Profit Organizationfs Governanceh
E Presentation by Ralf BEBENROTH (Kobe University) gComparison between European and Japanese Corporate Governance Systemsh
The 15th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 19/20, 2007 at Hokkai Gakuen University.
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Methodology and Notable Current Issues of management Studies
E Presentation by Eiji OGASAWARA (Meiji University) gMethodological issues and three Problems of Contemporary Management Studiesh
E Presentation by Akinobu SAKASHITA (Kobe University) gOrganization Research and its basic Assumption: From the Viewpoint of Organization Managementh
E Presentation by Katsuyuki NAGAOKA (Tokyo School of Economics) gThe Problem of Relevance in Management Research: A Historical Observationh
E Presentation by Hirokazu TSUJIMURA (Chubu University) gManagement Theory and the Bring-up of managersh
E Presentation by Kanji TANIMOTO (Hitotsubashi University) gCSR Movement and Policy Task in Japanh
E Presentation by Takashi WATANABE (Ritsumeikan University) gWork/Life Balance and a New Paradigm of Human Resource Management Studiesh
E Presentation by Hisashi SHIMADA (Kyoto Bunkyo University) gThe Track of Drucker Theory and Possibility of NPO Management Theoryh
b) Other Themes
E Presentation by Hisao KAWABATA (Kyushu University) gRe-discussion on Barnardfs Concept of Organizationh
E Presentation by Toru HAYASHI (Yokkichi University) gTakatafs Power Theory and Organizationh
@E Presentation by Shinichi KAMATA (National Defense Academy of Japan) gOrganization Theory and Critical Realismh
E Presentation by Tsutomu KOBAYASHI (Aichi Institute of Technology) gAn Examination of the Embeddedness Approach to Corporate Strategyh
E Presentation by Akira YOSHINARI (Yokohama City University) gA Practice-based Approach to Corporate Strategyh
E Presentation by Nobuyoshi HIRAI (Yokohama National University) gProject Team Leadership: With a Focus on Boundary Spanning Functionsh
E Presentation by Megumi KOJIMA (Meiji University) gAdvanced Management in a Non-Profit Organizationh
E Presentation by Yoshiomi ISHIJIMA (Hokkai Gakuen University) gPotentialities in the eExit | Vice | Loyaltyf Model on the Corporate Governanceh
E Presentation by Yoshinori YAGUCHI (Meiji University) gCSR as a Corporate Strategy: Based on the British Oil Industryh
The 16th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 17 /18, 2008 at Chuo University.
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Management Theory and Practice
E Presentation by Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI (Chuo University) gIdea of Management Theories and Practice in German and English Speaking Areash
E Presentation by Hiroshi IWATA (Otemon Gakuin University) gPractice of Management Theory and Pragmatismh
E Presentation by Akihiro KOYAMA (Gakushuin University) gOn the Transferability German Management Theoryh
E Presentation by Yoshiharu HYAKUTA (Komazawa University) gThe Basic Characteristic of Modern CSR and the Research Problems and Methods of Critical Management Studies in Japanh
E Presentation by Takenori SAITOU (Kanto Gakuin University) gThe Collaboration of Management Education between Students and Teacher: From My Experiences of Undergraduate Seminarsh
E Presentation by Norio KAMBAYASHI (Kobe University) gWhat It Means to Become a Management Researcher: Present Conditions and Problems for the Futureh
E Presentation by Fumio TAKAHASHI (Panelist 1, Aoyama Gakuin University), Masao NAKANISHI (Panelist 2, Kwansei Gakuin University), Hiroyuki TAKAHASHI (Panelist 3, Chuo University) and Yasuharu TANZAWA (Moderator, Chuo University) gThe Development of Business School in Japan and a Perspective to the 21st Centuryh
b) Other Themes
E Presentation by Yayoi WATANABE (Yokohama National University) gAn Essay on the Interdisciplinary Team Care in Hospitals: Based on the Theory of eCommunities of Practicef h
E Presentation by Kohei NISHIKAWA (Konan University) gA Historical Assessment of ODh
E Presentation by Masanori SAKAMOTO (Ryukoku University) gA Comparison between the Theory Proposed by Shinshi Kataoka and the Structural Control-Power Paradigmh
The 17th Annual Conference and Annals,
on May 16 /17, 2009 at Chubu University Nagoya Campus).
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Management Theories and Concepts of Organization
E Presentation by Yoshikazu NIWAMOTO (Konan University) gDevelopment of Management Theory with the Relation Concept of Organizationh
E Presentation by Yasuharu TANZAWA (Chuo University) gThe Development of Organization Researches in Germanyh
E Presentation by Takahide KOSAKA (Nihon University) gReconsideration of the Bureaucracy Theory of Max Weberh
E Presentation by Hideharu CHUJO (Chukyo University) gConcepts of Organization: Theoretical Transformations in U. S. Management Theoriesh
E Presentation by Tsuyoshi NUMAGAMI (Hititsubashi University) gWhat is an Organization?: A Perspective from the Japanese Empirical Strategy Researchh
E Presentation by Kazuhiro FUJI (Setsunan University) gHow does the Stakeholder Theory Comprehend Organization?h
E Presentation by Fumie ANDO (Nanzan University) gRecent Progress of Organizational Learning and its Future Prospect: From the Views of Organizationh
b) Other Themes
E Presentation by Osamu KIKIMA (Kyushu Sangyo University) gA Historical Review of Conceptions of the Relationship between Organization and Organization Membersh
E Presentation by Noboru MATSUSHIMA (Kobe University) gInvestigating the Discourse in Studies of Institutional Entrepreneurshiph
E Presentation by Thuy Huong TRINH (Chuo University) gThe Connection of Motivationfs Idea with Career Development: Based on the Intrinsic Motivation Theory by E. L. Decih
E Presentation by Kazuyuki SHIMIZU (Meiji University) gEvolution of German Managerial Economics after the 1990fs: refers to Picotfs Research Paperh
@E Presentation by Akira SHIBATA (Kagawa University) gThe Development of System Theories: From the Discussion of the St. Gallen School and Munich Schoolh
E Presentation by Takayuki YAMAGUCHI (Kwansei Gakuin University) gTrends of SMEs Research in France: A Managerial Approachh
The 18th Annual Conference and Annals,
was held on May 22/23, 2010 at Fukuoka University on the unified theme
The unified theme consisted of three sub-topics: gManagement Theories between World War I and World War IIh, gManagement Theories After World War IIh, and gThe Economic Crisis & Business Management and Management Theories in the Age of Globalizationh. The presenters and their topics were as follows:
a) The unified theme and Annals title:
Business Management and Management Theories at Time of Crisis.
E Presentation by Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI (Chuo University) gBusiness Management and Management Theories at Time of Crisis: From the Points of View of the Economic and Industrial Policies and Management Theories in the three Times of Crisish
E Presentation by Nobuchika KAIDO (Kwansei Gakuin University) gThe Crisis between World War I and World War IIh
E Presentation by Yuichi MARUYAMA (Nagoya Keizai University) gThe Great World Crisis of 1929 and American Management Theoriesh
E Presentation by Nobutaka KAZAMA (Meiji University) gThe System of Social Market and Development of Management Theories in Germany: Wobble between the Orientations of Market and Economic Effectiveness vs. Community and Humanityh
E Presentation by Masaki HAYASHI (Chuo University) gThe Competitiveness of Japanese Enterprises and Management Theories after World War IIh
E Presentation by Kimio TAKAHASHI (Kanto Gakuin University) gSynthesis of Critical Principles for Management Theories in the Age of Globalization: Beyond the Age of Discontinuityh
E Presentation by Shinshi KATAOKA (St. Andrewfs University) gThe Age of Crisis and Reconstruction of Management Theoryh
b) Other Themes
E Presentation by Yuji KAJIWAKI (Ryukoku University) gFrom Behavior-oriented Management Theory to the Nerve-Science-Oriented Management Theory: A New Development by G. Schanzh
E Presentation by Masaru SEKINO (Kinki University) gBusiness Tax and Management Function: A Discussion on Investment Decisionh
E Presentation by Tateshi AKIYAMA (Kanagawa University) gUnification of the Principles of Corporate Governance in the European Unionh
E Presentation by Hidemi IKEUCHI (Kyushu Sangyo University) gThe Age of Crisis and Reconstruction of Management Theory: The Subject of Modern Management Theory: Focus on the Changes of Enterprises and Enterprise Theoriesh
E Presentation by Kazushi ARITA (Iwakuni Junior College) gShiro IKEDA and Dispute on the Newspaper SAKIGAKEh
E Presentation by Naomi YAMAGUCHI (Meiji University) gDevelopment of Business Ethics of German Management Theories: Focus on Business Ethics Theory by H. Steinmannfs Schoolh