(1) Taking into consideration the current business environment, members of the host university and the executive committee are required to propose a unified common topic for research papers one year prior to the Conference. The committee selects several suitable scholars or practitioners and one commentator for each paper on the topic of each Annual Conference. 50 minutes are allocated for each paper: 30 minutes for the presentation, 15 minutes for discussion with the commentator, and 5 minutes for questions and answers on concepts and comments from the audiences. After all the papers are presented, the presenters attend a 90-minutes symposium in which discussions are held between the presenters and commentator, and among those who presented papers on the given topic.
(2) The committee selects appropriate researchers to make presentations on their original research in rotation. They are given opportunities to share the results of the long-time efforts made in their research. The audiences expect to be stimulated by new ideas and different ways of thinking. A presenter has 25 minutes for his or her presentation, followed by a 15-minutes question and answer session. Each presenter is required to submit his or her manuscript to members of the host university, who print all of manuscripts out and distribute copies to all participants of the Conference in advance. This process is implemented at every Annual Conference to encourage active discussion among members.
(3) At the general meeting, the results of the activities and accounts of the Society for that year are reviewed, a plan for the next year is proposed, discussed and approved by all members. All research papers are listed in the contents of the Annals and edited under the rules of the Society. Selected papers are printed in the Annals, which also include a bibliography and references. Each presenter has to prepare a bibliography on the unified common topic, which is examined by the editors. This process is a unique feature of the Society's Annals . References include greetings by the chairman and articles related to the previous year's Annual Conference.